Privacy policy 2

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At What Time is it Creations, we protect customers’ privacy and personal data. Also, this policy describes what we collect, how we use it, and steps to ensure security.

privacy policy collect data

Information We Actively Collect:

  • Specifically, we get personal info like name, address, email, and phone number when you order or sign up for emails.
  • Also, we get payment details like credit cards and billing to process orders and ensure transaction security.
  • In addition, we get browsing and shopping habits through cookies to improve experience and marketing.

How We Actively Use Personal Information::

  • Mainly, we use personal info to process orders and update you on shipments.
  • Also, we use payment details to process payments and prevent fraud.
  • Similarly, we use browsing habits to customize marketing and improve experience.
  • We may also use info to send promotions and product updates.

How We Actively Secure Personal Information:

  • In contrast, we do not sell or rent personal info to others.
  • However, we may share info with shipping companies and processors to fulfill orders.
  • Also, we may disclose info for legal requests like court orders.

Security of Personal Information:

  • Importantly, we take the security of personal info seriously.
  • So, we use industry standard security to protect info.
  • Additionally, we securely store payment details using encryption.
  • Privacy policy 1

Changes to This Privacy Policy:

  • Sometimes, we may update this policy to reflect changes or legal needs.
  • Afterward, we will notify you of big changes by email or website notice.
Privacy Policy contact us

Contact Us:

  • In conclusion, please contact us with any questions or concerns.
  • Thank you for choosing us.
  • We commit to protecting your privacy.